About Me

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I am a wife, mother of 7 and grandmother of 1. I have taught at PNC since 2000 and prior to that taught kindergarten for 9 years. Most recently I have become very interested in learning about environmental health issues and what I can do to make a difference.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Plastic Straws

Do you know how you can make a difference?   Just say NO to plastic straws.  I recently read a post by Kristi Marsh from Choose Wiser about plastic straws.  I don't know about you but I never even gave the use of plastic straws a thought.  We can make an impact by saying NO to using plastic straws.  I know you are thinking how can one little plastic straw make a difference?  But over time these little things end up going into landfills and causing problems to our environment.  You are Worth It so consider stopping the use of plastic straws today or least become aware of the impact the use of plastic straws has on our environment.


  1. Never gave this a thought

  2. I know I never gave it a thought either until I read about this in one of the choosewiser newsletters. They say awareness is the first step. I am trying to get into the habit of requesting NO Straw when I go out to eat in a restaurant.
